BE Incentive

SABAH, BE here for you ….

  1. Background
    Business events plays an important role in connecting industry leaders and accelerating innovation through information and ideas. In the effort to enhance professional networks for the destination and creating legacy for current and future industry in Sabah, “SABAH, BE here for you” is initiated to provide incentive support to business event organisers and to maximise the potential of business events.
  2. Terms & Conditions
    • To ensure applicants are given ample time for consideration, support request form to be submitted within 45 days for physical events and 20 days for hybrid and virtual events.
    • Complete list of participants and group’s programme must be submitted to MICE Committee minimum 14 days prior to group arrival
    • Inclusion of STB logo in event’s backdrop
    • Sabah Destination video to be shown in on site or/and virtual platform
    • Submission of event’s images in USB for STB’s future promotional purpose
  3. Criteria
    • The incentive is specifically for events that constitute corporate meetings, incentive group, business events and exhibition.
    • Eligible Applicants for incentive –
      • Destination Management Companies (DMC)
      • Destination Marketing Organization (DMO)
      • Professional Conference Organizer
      • Incentive Houses
      • Associations
      • Professional bodies with local chapter in Sabah or Malaysia
      • Corporate and government that are sole organizer of MICE activities
    • Type of Support
      • Physical Event

        Financial support of RM100.00 per pax and up to maximum RM100,000.00

        • Minimum group size of 30 pax
        • Minimum 2 nights stay in Sabah
        • Minimum 30% of International/National Delegates
      • Hybrid Event

        Financial support of RM30 per pax and up to maximum RM10,000.000

        • Minimum group size of 100 pax
        • Minimum 30% physical attendees in a full-service venue
        • Sabah base organizer or Sabah host hybrid events
      • VIRTUAL

        Financial support of total amount RM1,500.00 per event

        • Minimum group size of 50 pax
        • Sabah base organizer or Sabah host virtual events

      **T & C applies. Refer to Application Criteria

    • Support is based on reimbursement basis with complete submission of required post-event documents.
    • The MICE Committee reserves the right to decline support for any late application and incomplete supporting documents.
    • Dateline of application submission before or on the 30th December 2022 for any Meetings, Incentives, Conferences and Exhibition (MICE) up to year 2024.